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思科 路由模塊系列介紹
思科 路由模塊系列下各型號配制及報價

 WIC-1T  1-Port Serial WAN Interface Card  400
 WIC-2T  2-Port Serial WAN Interface Card  700
 WIC-2A/S  2-Port Async/Sync Serial WAN Interface Card  500
 WIC-1ADSL  1-port ADSL WAN Interface Card  750
 WIC-1AM  One-port Analog Modem WAN Interface Card  495
 WIC-1B-S/T-V3  1-Port ISDN WAN Interface Card (dial and leased line)  500
 WIC-2AM  Two-port Analog Modem WAN Interface Card  795
 VWIC-1MFT-G703  1-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - G.703  1800
 VWIC-2MFT-G703  2-Port RJ-48 Multiflex Trunk - G.703  3000
 WIC-1ENET  Single-Port Ethernet WAN Interface Card  450
 VIC2-2FXS  Two-port Voice Interface Card - FXS  800
 VIC2-2FXO  Two-port Voice Interface Card - FXO (Universal)  400
 VIC2-4FXO  Four-port Voice Interface Card - FXO (Universal)  800
 NM-1A-T3  1-Port DS3 ATM Network Module  6000
 NM-1A-E3  1-Port E3 ATM Network Module  6000
 NM-16A  16 port Asynchronous Module  2300
 NM-16A/S  16-Port Async/Sync Serial Network Module  4800
 NM-32A  32 port Asynchronous Module  4600
 NM-4A/S  4-Port Async/Sync Serial Network Module  1300
 NM-4B-S/T  4-Port ISDN-BRI Network Module  1100
 NM-8A/S  8-Port Async/Sync Serial Network Module  2400
 NM-8B-S/T  8-Port ISDN-BRI Network Module  1600
 NM-1CE1T1-PRI  1-Port Channelized E1/T1/ISDN-PRI Network Module  2600
 NM-4E  4-Port Ethernet Network Module  4000
 NM-1E  1-Port Ethernet Network Module  1000
 NM-8AM-V2  8 Port Analog Modem Network Module with v.92  2200
 NM-16AM-V2  16 port Analog Modem Network Module with V.92  4400
 NM-2W  2 WAN Card Slot Network Module(no LAN)  1500
 NM-HD-1V  One-slot IP Communications Voice/Fax Network Module  600
 NM-HD-2V  Two-slot IP Communications Voice/Fax Network Module  1000
 NM-16ESW-PWR  16 port 10/100  EtherSwitch NM with prestandard POE  1795
 NM-16ESW-1GIG  16 port 10/100  EtherSwitch NM with 1 GE (1000BaseT) port  1895
 NM-CEM-4TE1  4 Port T1/E1 Circuit Emulation over IP NM  4000
 NM-CEM-4SER  4 Port Serial Circuit Emulation over IP NM  4000
 NM-16ESW  16 port 10/100 EtherSwitch NM  1495
 NM-16ESW-PWR-1GIG  1 16 port 10/100 EtherSwitch NM with prestandard POE + GE  2195
 NM-HDV2  IP Communications High-Density Digital Voice Network Module  1495
 NM-HDV2-1T1/E1  IP Communications High-Density Digital Voice NM with 1 T1/E1  2495

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